The Army Corps of Engineers completed Bull SPRING CREEK ARM OF BULL SHOALS LAKEShoals Lake in 1953. At peak flood pool the lake is 695 feet above sea level, a surface area of 71,200 acres and a shoreline of 1,050 miles. When it is at conservation pool (normal) lake elevation is 660 feet, water surface is 45,440 acres and has a shoreline of 740 miles.
The most important statistic in the above paragraph is the shoreline miles. There areBull Shoals Lake Bass seemingly unlimited coves and arms to explore. A great vacation is to cruise the lake exploring, finding your own private swimming holes and fishing spots.
Fishing is year 'round on Bull Shoals Lake. Bull Shoals has a wide variety of fish, including Bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth and Kentucky), Walleye, Crappie, Catfish, White Bass, Trout and Blue Gill. Bull Shoals Lake has the Missouri State record for Large Mouth Bass 13 lbs. 14 oz., Brown Trout 26 lbs. 13 oz., Striped Bass 56 lbs. 5 oz., Walleye 21 lbs. 1 oz., and Yellow Perch 1 lb. 11 0z.
No matter what your water sport preference, you can do it here on Bull Shoals Lake. Scuba fun on bull shoals lakediving is popular around Theodosia and Pontiac Cove. If water skiing, wakeboarding or jet skiing is what you want, Bull Shoals Lake is again perfect. Bull Shoals Lake is large with plenty of room to practice your tricks or showcase your skills. Lake traffic is light enough you will not feel crowded.
If you want, you don't need to fish, water ski or anything else to enjoy and appreciate this wonderful lake. The Corps of Engineers owns aeagle fishing on bull shoals large buffer of land surrounding the lake. You never feel like you are boating through someone's back yard. You can have a wonderful, relaxing time just cruise around enjoying the natural setting, occasionally seeing deer and other wildlife coming down to the water... or bald eagles fishing off the bluffs. The natural setting of Bull Shoals Lake makes it perfect for a vacation cabin or retirement homes.
This is an Army Corps of Engineers lake, so they do have rules governing use, including the land surrounding the lake. None of the rules are arbitrary and they are what keep this lake so clean and pristine. Hunting during season is allowed, subject to normal state regulations.
Here is a link to the Army Corps of Engineers website for Bull Shoals Lake. They have more information that might interest you.